Get the Look: Kerry Washington, TIFF

Award-winning actor, producer, director, and activist Kerry Washington made an epic entrance at ‘American Son’ TIFF premiere last night in Toronto. There’s been no shortage of amazing red carpet moments this year’s film festival but it was all about Kerry’s Zuhair Murad Couture gown, which served up maximum wow-factor thanks to both its volume and… Continue reading Get the Look: Kerry Washington, TIFF

MISS SLOVENSKO 2019 Frederika Kurtulíková: Stojím nohami pevne na zemi

Od najstarších čias je inšpiráciou a múzou. K R Á S A. Pre každého znamená niečo iné. Je skrytá v ľudských životoch, tvárach, nedokonalostiach, má miliardy rôznych podôb. Tá fyzická je prvá, ktorú si všimneme, no pravá krása ženy je v jej nežnosti, ženskosti, čistote a láskavosti. Pridajte si k tomu inteligenciu, rozhľadenosť a úprimnosť, a… Continue reading MISS SLOVENSKO 2019 Frederika Kurtulíková: Stojím nohami pevne na zemi

Emma a Soňa: Chceme robiť radosť nielen sebe, ale aj druhým

Móda je fenomén, ktorý po stáročia ovplyvňuje naše konanie a myslenie. Zasahuje do nášho života, ovplyvňuje náš životný štýl. Emma Tekelyová a Soňa Müllerová vedia o tom svoje. Dve ženy, ktoré obdivujem už roky. Dve ikony, ktoré sú pre svoj nezameniteľný štýl a cit pre detail inšpiráciou pre dievčatá a ženy na celom Slovensku. Majú toho toľko… Continue reading Emma a Soňa: Chceme robiť radosť nielen sebe, ale aj druhým

Tiffany Pratt: Have a purpose to what you are doing

Tiffany Pratt is a designer with undoubtedly the most colourful personality – both inside and out. Her energy and passion for designing is directly recaptured in all of her projects, never fails to inspire those around her. She is known for being a host on HGTV Canada’s “Home to Win” as well as “Buy It,… Continue reading Tiffany Pratt: Have a purpose to what you are doing

Tamara Šimončíková Heribanová o živote v Lisabone

Tami je človek, ktorého nesmierne obdivujem. Je talentovaná, pracovitá, inšpiratívna, obetavá a úspešná nielen vo svojom odbore, ale vo všetkom, na čo siahne. Od minulého roka žije s rodinou v portugalskom Lisabone a tak ma zaujímalo, ako sa jej darí, čomu sa tam venuje, čo jej na tejto krajine učarovalo a čo je tam najviac chýba.… Continue reading Tamara Šimončíková Heribanová o živote v Lisabone

Gail McInnes: I haven’t let anything hold me back

From the outside looking in, the fashion industry looks like a collective for the one percenters of society. Scenes from “The Devil Wears Prada” start circulating around my head, yet still, I am drawn into this mysterious world. Just recently, I had the opportunity to attend my first fashion show at Toronto Fashion Week and… Continue reading Gail McInnes: I haven’t let anything hold me back

Get the Look: Natalie Portman, Venice Film Festival

walks the red carpet ahead of the 'Vox Lux' screening during the 75th Venice Film Festival at Sala Grande on September 4, 2018 in Venice, Italy.

Sometimes celebrity makeup looks are all you need to provide you with some inspiration. Lots of red carpet looks tend to be striking, yet equally subtle. This week, I invited an award winning make-up artist Eileen Kastner-Delago, to tell us how to achieve Natalie Portman’s red carpet looks from the 75th annual Venice Film Festival.… Continue reading Get the Look: Natalie Portman, Venice Film Festival

Hilary MacMillan: A designer who revolutionized Canadian vegan fashion

Hilary MacMillan is a Canadian cruelty-conscious contemporary designer, who revolutionized Canadian vegan fashion. Her exquisite, yet inviting designs inspire a catalyst for change in the way consumers think about the ethics of clothing. At Toronto Fashion Week 2018, Hilary transformed the runway to an exuberant garden of Marrakesh through and effectively realized her inspiration from… Continue reading Hilary MacMillan: A designer who revolutionized Canadian vegan fashion

Pamela Card: Timeless jewelry with a story

When wandering through an Ancient Roman, Greek or Byzantine exhibition, the captivating beauty of the works of art incite reverence for these civilizations and their traditions. Pamela Card, the owner and creative director of Pamela Card Jewelry, captures the magnificence of these antiquities through her own designs. Through the use of lost wax casting and… Continue reading Pamela Card: Timeless jewelry with a story

Men Confidential: Ako to vidia chlapi

Žijeme v dobe emancipácie. V dobe, v ktorej máme my ženy šancu ukázať svetu, že sme samostatné. Šikovné. Dravé. Cieľavedomé. Že sa vieme o seba postarať. Na druhej strane s tým súvisí naša zvýšená sebakritickosť, náročnosť, snaha o dokonalosť, snaha naplniť očakávania a nesklamať tých, ktorí v nás tak veria. Rozmýšľali ste ale niekedy nad… Continue reading Men Confidential: Ako to vidia chlapi