Audrey Hyams Romoff: If you really want something, don’t be discouraged and you can do it

As women, success is defined as being an engaged mother or as having a prosperous career. In these changing times, more and more women are striving to push past the boundaries set by society and personalize their own versions of success. Audrey Hyams Romoff from OverCat Communications emulates these varieties of success and inspires to… Continue reading Audrey Hyams Romoff: If you really want something, don’t be discouraged and you can do it

Soukh: A wardrobe so well travelled, you won’t need a passport

As Canadians, we are lucky to be surrounded by so many different cultures. We distinguish ourselves for being a cultural mosaic as compared to a monocultural melting pot. Gargi Ghugare, the founder and designer of Soukh, embodies the essence of a cultural cohesion through her beautiful mosaic purses, embroidered jackets and Miista shoes. Her colourful… Continue reading Soukh: A wardrobe so well travelled, you won’t need a passport

Souliers Studio: Vegan shoes with SOUL

Dr. Sylvian Charlebois, a professor at Dalhousie University, just recently conducted a poll to determine how many vegetarians and vegans there are in Canada. According to his results, 7.1% of Canadians are vegetarians, and 2.3% of Canadians are vegan. Although the number may seem like a small amount, the recent influx of new vegan foods,… Continue reading Souliers Studio: Vegan shoes with SOUL

Tamga Designs: Sustainable clothing for the modern wanderer

In today’s fast-paced world, we as consumers are constantly exposed to the newest, and next best fashion trend. More often than not, attractive and cheap prices distract from the harsh realities of fast fashion and the impact it has on the environment and factory workers. TAMGA Designs is a sustainable lifestyle movement that creates vibrant… Continue reading Tamga Designs: Sustainable clothing for the modern wanderer

What will Meghan Markle’s wedding dress look like?

With Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s royal wedding just two weeks away, speculation continues among the fashion press over who will design that all-important gown with Erdem, Christopher Bailey, Stella McCartney, and Alexander McQueen proving to be the favourites. But according to Daily Mail, Meghan has chosen London-based luxury fashion label Ralph & Russo to… Continue reading What will Meghan Markle’s wedding dress look like?

Milenky: S Alexandrou Gruskovou nielen o kostýmoch

Nový seriál Milenky je slovenskou adaptáciou úspešného britského formátu Mistresses z knižnice BBC Worldwide. Každá zo štyroch hlavných hrdiniek sa hľadá na komplikovanej ceste životom, ktorým prechádzajú ako kamarátky spoločne. Seriál je plný dramatických zvratov, napätia, ale aj láskavého humoru a tiež úchvatných outfitov! A práve o tých som sa zhovárala s kostýmovou výtvarníčkou seriálu… Continue reading Milenky: S Alexandrou Gruskovou nielen o kostýmoch

MISS SLOVENSKO 2018, 1. časť

Už piaty rok mám to potešenie priblížiť vám prostredníctvom krátkych rozhovorov finalistky súťaže Miss Slovensko. Aj tentokrát porota vybrala krásne a inteligentné dievčatá a priznám sa, že najradšej by som im korunky nasadila všetkým. Zvíťaziť a pocestovať na finále Miss World však môže len jedna. Bude to jedna z prvej šestice? 1. Dominika Grecová, Humenné … Continue reading MISS SLOVENSKO 2018, 1. časť

MISS SLOVENSKO 2018, 2. časť

Pokračujeme v predstavovaní finalistiek Miss Slovensko. Tento rok ich je po odstúpení jednej zo súťažiacich síce len jedenásť, vybrať z nich tú naj by bolo pre mňa aj tak ťažké. Ak ste na tom podobne, možno vám pomôžu tieto krátke rozhovory, z ktorých sa o dievčatách dozviete viac. Po prvej šestici sa o slovo hlásia dievčatá… Continue reading MISS SLOVENSKO 2018, 2. časť

Di Carlo Couture: The Essence of Femininity

Pursuing your dream career takes determination and self-belief. Born and raised in Montreal, Antoinette Di Carlo was immersed into fashion at a very young age. Today, she runs her atelier from the heart of Little Italy, where all her designs come to life. Specializing in custom made bridal and evening wear, she knows exactly how to capture… Continue reading Di Carlo Couture: The Essence of Femininity

Na slovíčko s… Andrea Kerestešová Růžičková

Pamätám si, ako by to bolo včera. Seriál Vyprávěj mi prinavrátil mnoho spomienok z detstva. Veci a udalosti, ktoré som sama prežila. Už po zhliadnutí prvých častí som vedela, že Eva Dvořáková, ktorú v seriáli hrala užasná Andrea Kerestešová Růžičková, bude moja srdcovka. Tak aj bolo. A keď som zistila, že Andrea je čerstvá mamička,… Continue reading Na slovíčko s… Andrea Kerestešová Růžičková