Denisa Navrátilová: Každá z nás může převzít odpovědnost nad přirozenou součástí svého ženství

Svet vôkol nás je plný inšpirujúcich žien, ktoré uverili v svoje schopnosti a naplno ich uplatnili. Ženy, ktoré menia svoje sny na realitu, ktoré vedia, čo chcú a neboja sa to povedať nahlas. Každá z nich má svoj príbeh, motiváciu, hodnoty a spôsob, akým naviguje svoje životné roly. A jednou z takých je Denisa Navrátilová Pociorková – študentka… Continue reading Denisa Navrátilová: Každá z nás může převzít odpovědnost nad přirozenou součástí svého ženství

Naďa Urbanová: Vreckovky ako staronový módny doplnok

Vreckovky vraj poznali už v starovekom Ríme a Grécku, ale až v 16. storočí sa prestali skrývať vo vrecku a stali sa z nich módne doplnky. Ženy ich držali v rukách a snažili sa ich zladiť s vejárom. My sme na bavlnené vreckovky na dlhé roky zabudli, no v dobe, keď fandíme udržateľnosti, nanovo objavujeme ich… Continue reading Naďa Urbanová: Vreckovky ako staronový módny doplnok


Consumer habits are changing and brands are taking notice. People are no longer demanding products. They demand transparency and they buy into a brand’s identity and set of values. As more designers continue to push the limits of what clothes can be made from, we are seeing a shift in the world of fashion. Joining… Continue reading PANGAIA: NEW FAVORITE ECO-FRIENDLY FASHION LABEL

Tiffany Pratt: Have a purpose to what you are doing

Tiffany Pratt is a designer with undoubtedly the most colourful personality – both inside and out. Her energy and passion for designing is directly recaptured in all of her projects, never fails to inspire those around her. She is known for being a host on HGTV Canada’s “Home to Win” as well as “Buy It,… Continue reading Tiffany Pratt: Have a purpose to what you are doing

Gail McInnes: I haven’t let anything hold me back

From the outside looking in, the fashion industry looks like a collective for the one percenters of society. Scenes from “The Devil Wears Prada” start circulating around my head, yet still, I am drawn into this mysterious world. Just recently, I had the opportunity to attend my first fashion show at Toronto Fashion Week and… Continue reading Gail McInnes: I haven’t let anything hold me back

Hilary MacMillan: A designer who revolutionized Canadian vegan fashion

Hilary MacMillan is a Canadian cruelty-conscious contemporary designer, who revolutionized Canadian vegan fashion. Her exquisite, yet inviting designs inspire a catalyst for change in the way consumers think about the ethics of clothing. At Toronto Fashion Week 2018, Hilary transformed the runway to an exuberant garden of Marrakesh through and effectively realized her inspiration from… Continue reading Hilary MacMillan: A designer who revolutionized Canadian vegan fashion

Pamela Card: Timeless jewelry with a story

When wandering through an Ancient Roman, Greek or Byzantine exhibition, the captivating beauty of the works of art incite reverence for these civilizations and their traditions. Pamela Card, the owner and creative director of Pamela Card Jewelry, captures the magnificence of these antiquities through her own designs. Through the use of lost wax casting and… Continue reading Pamela Card: Timeless jewelry with a story

Audrey Hyams Romoff: If you really want something, don’t be discouraged and you can do it

As women, success is defined as being an engaged mother or as having a prosperous career. In these changing times, more and more women are striving to push past the boundaries set by society and personalize their own versions of success. Audrey Hyams Romoff from OverCat Communications emulates these varieties of success and inspires to… Continue reading Audrey Hyams Romoff: If you really want something, don’t be discouraged and you can do it

Souliers Studio: Vegan shoes with SOUL

Dr. Sylvian Charlebois, a professor at Dalhousie University, just recently conducted a poll to determine how many vegetarians and vegans there are in Canada. According to his results, 7.1% of Canadians are vegetarians, and 2.3% of Canadians are vegan. Although the number may seem like a small amount, the recent influx of new vegan foods,… Continue reading Souliers Studio: Vegan shoes with SOUL

Tamga Designs: Sustainable clothing for the modern wanderer

In today’s fast-paced world, we as consumers are constantly exposed to the newest, and next best fashion trend. More often than not, attractive and cheap prices distract from the harsh realities of fast fashion and the impact it has on the environment and factory workers. TAMGA Designs is a sustainable lifestyle movement that creates vibrant… Continue reading Tamga Designs: Sustainable clothing for the modern wanderer