Vegetable Pot Pies

Chicken pot pies are like the ultimate comfort food, who doesn’t love a rich creamy filling surrounded by a buttery crust? I wanted to a re-create this warm and comforting dish by showing you how you can keep all the things you love about pot pie and make it a lot healthier by using all… Continue reading Vegetable Pot Pies

Beauty produkty pre vaše telo i dušu

Aj vy stále zaháňate tie najlepšie produkty ? Vlasy, pleť, nechty, telo, makeup. Toľko produktov a značiek, že už ani sama neviete, čo je dobré, čo je zlé, čo sa oplatí a čo neoplatí vyskúšať. Ja vám s radosťou každý mesiac budem prinášať tipy na najlepšie produkty a trendy, ktorých by ste sa mali držať, ak… Continue reading Beauty produkty pre vaše telo i dušu

Dressing Like A Leader

Hillary Clinton may not have won the U.S. presidency, but her career in politics is etched in history. Her years of public service includes positions as First Lady, New York senator, Democratic presidential candidate, Secretary of State and the first woman to win the nomination for president of the United States. Politics aside, when it… Continue reading Dressing Like A Leader

Raising Biracial Children

The other day, my son and I were playing at the park. A little fair skin boy walked up to me, asking to be pushed on the swing as well. Within minutes, the two of them were shrieking with laughter, as the sun gently kissed their skin. During the summer months, my son’s complexion went from… Continue reading Raising Biracial Children

Is Amy Adams the new Leo DiCaprio?

Amy Adams had two films on offer at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) — Denis Villeneuve’s Arrival, and Tom Ford’s Nocturnal Animals – and she is utterly superior in both. I would say after five Oscar nominations without a win, it’s time for Amy to take home the trophy. The question is for which film?… Continue reading Is Amy Adams the new Leo DiCaprio?

Ateliér + Obytný priestor = Postav si sám

Asi by som mala povedať, že som netrpezlivá. Paradoxné je, že tvorím veci, pri ktorých niekedy treba postupovať pomalšie a s rozumom inak sa môže stať, že si napríklad odrežem prst, alebo sa seknem niečím ostrým do dlane (to už sa mi stalo, 8 štichov). No na extra pracovný priestor alebo ateliér sa mi naozaj… Continue reading Ateliér + Obytný priestor = Postav si sám

Na slovíčko s.. Fero Mikloško

Jeseň a zima sa v šatníkoch u väčšiny spája s tmavými farbami, ty si ale predstavil explóziu farieb a vzorov vo veľmi efektnom a eklektickom spojení, čo ťa k tomu viedlo? Po minuloročnej kolekcii jeseň-zima, ktorá sa niesla v úplne čiernom duchu som vedel, že tento rok to troška príjemne preženiem s farbami a dezénovými… Continue reading Na slovíčko s.. Fero Mikloško

Happy Relaunch!

Welcome to my BRAND NEW WEBSITE! It’s been long time coming. This year marks eight years of blogging for me, and I felt that now was the time to switch things up a bit. The biggest change is a shift in content. I’ve always dreamed of having a fashion and lifestyle website with different topics.… Continue reading Happy Relaunch!