Skincare: New beauty products tried and tested

As I mentioned previously on my Instagram, I’m going to start a new series talking about some of the products new in my rotation that I’ve been kindly gifted. There have been loads of amazing incredible beauty releases lately so I thought I could try out a new style of posts – few short little… Continue reading Skincare: New beauty products tried and tested

Beauty vychytávky: Maria Stefanova

Ahojte dievčatá, po krátkej letnej pauzičke som späť so super tipmi na krásu od módnej návrhárky Marie. Maria Stefanova je pôvodom Bulharka, ktorá študovala fashion design v Miláne a v súčasnosti pôsobí v Londýne, kde buduje svoju vlastnú značku MARIA STEFFANI. Užite jej tipy! (kliknite na obázky pre viac info) 1. Lanolips 101 Ointment Multi-Balm Lanolip je… Continue reading Beauty vychytávky: Maria Stefanova