We all love receiving beautifully gift-wrapped boxes almost as much as the gift itself. If you are the kind of gift-giver who puts a lot …
Na slovíčko s.. Romi Klimeková
To, ako bývame, nie je náhoda. Každý človek si podvedome vyberá priestor, v ktorom žije alebo pracuje a tento priestor nás ovplyvňuje viac, ako si …
THE GERDU: Bringing a timeless piece of culture into your home
I’m a big advocate for checking out home decor purchases in person, because there’s nothing worse than ordering something and then to be disappointed. However, shopping …
How to start a day in a happy way
People always comment on how I always seem to have a smile on my face, or they comment saying how my happiness is contagious. I’m one …
Na slovíčko s.. Filip Šebo
Filipa Šeba netreba asi nikomu predstavovať. Bývalý futbalista sa pred pár rokmi rozhodol podstúpiť profesionálnu zmenu a loptu postupne vymenil za plávanie, cyklistiku a beh. Dnes …