Mediterranean Inspired Interiors: Bringing Summer vibes to your home all year round

We’re always inspired by spaces that promote a simple and relaxed way of living. These are interiors that encourage us to slow down in our fast-paced world. There’s one interior style that offers this slow living, timeless, & effortless beauty and that is to us a Mediterranean -inspired interior design. Sleek sunny interiors with sweeping… Continue reading Mediterranean Inspired Interiors: Bringing Summer vibes to your home all year round

Na slovíčko s.. Romi Klimeková

To, ako bývame, nie je náhoda. Každý človek si podvedome vyberá priestor, v ktorom žije alebo pracuje a tento priestor nás ovplyvňuje viac, ako si dokážeme predstaviť. Vplýva na našu osobnosť a náladu, rovnako ako naša osobnosť vytvára alebo pretvára naše okolie. Interiérový dizajn sa najčastejšie rieši v spojení s finančnými možnostiami a funkčnosťou, čo ale neznamená,… Continue reading Na slovíčko s.. Romi Klimeková

THE GERDU: Bringing a timeless piece of culture into your home

I’m a big advocate for checking out home decor purchases in person, because there’s nothing worse than ordering something and then to be disappointed. However, shopping online is an easy alternative to hitting up crowded stores. Plus, decorating from a wide spectrum of stores will add personality and dimension to your home, something even the most… Continue reading THE GERDU: Bringing a timeless piece of culture into your home