Hotel Apollo

Prednedávnom som mala príležitosť stráviť dve noci v bratislavskom hoteli Apollo. Bol to babský víkend – ja, moja mama a moja malá Stella. Tri gerenerácie, tri malé veľké ženy s túžbou po oddychu. Vzťah medzi matkou a dcérou je jednou z najsilnejších väzieb na svete. Tie z vás, ktoré už majú vlastné dcéry, alebo dcérami… Continue reading Hotel Apollo

Restaurant Review: King Taps

Wondering where you should be eating after work in Toronto right now? A new craft beer focused restaurant/bar boasting 50 draught lines and a premium bottle selection has recently opened on 100 King West. And if you’ve never tried a Cucumber Mule before, this is a good place to drink one. Food presentation is just as essential… Continue reading Restaurant Review: King Taps

The Eventeur: Your destination wedding concierge

The wedding season is in full swing and with all of the love and romance in the air, planning a wedding is both exciting and exhausting. Many brides and grooms are getting their friends and family together in remote destinations to say their I do. From the beaches of the Caribbean to the vineyards in Europe, destination… Continue reading The Eventeur: Your destination wedding concierge

¡Hola Cuba!

It is one of those places that grows on you. So much so, that since I have left the country I have been wanting to visit again. And it’s not only because of those stunning beaches, live music, unique culture and freshly made mojitos (a lot of them). One of the best things about Cubans is… Continue reading ¡Hola Cuba!

California Dreamin’

/GUEST POST BY ALEXANDRA RYMŠINOVÁ/ Roky som snívala o precestovaní Kalifornie. V hlave som mala pevne zasadenú predstavu o epickom výlete po celom štáte s bandou kamošov, akoby sme sa vrátili do obdobia po maturite a nevedeli čo s načatým letom. Táto romantická myšlienka krachovala vždy na dvoch veciach – 1. Nedokázala som sa z… Continue reading California Dreamin’