Hermès, Behind The Crafted Luxury

“Hermès is different because we are making a product that we can repair. It’s so simple. And it’s not so simple. Think that you can repair something because you know how to repair it and why it has been damaged. You have the hands. Think that you can repair it because you want to keep it. And think that you can repair it because you want to give it to someone else. I think it’s right. It’s what Hermès is about.” Robert Dumas 

For Hermès it’s all about impeccable craftsmanship and timeless design. An engaging cultural exhibition in Toronto’s Design Exchange museum last week provided visitors with a fascinating insight into the longstanding traditions and values of the french fashion house. Festival des Métiers featured intimate behind-the-scenes demonstrations by masterful craftsmen and women from the renowned Hermès workshops in France, illustrating the methods in which products like handbags, silk scarves, ties, watches and saddles are painstakingly made-by-hand using techniques passed from generation to generation. By the way, did you know that:

1) one handbag can take up to 48 hours to craft;

2) it takes 450.000 metres of silk thread to make one scarf;

3) Hermes colourists work with approximately 75.000 colour hues to make scarves;

4) every scarf is hand rolled, this can take up to 45 minutes.


Hermès. Dokonalé vypracovanie a nadčasový dizajn. Nesmierne pútavá výstava Festival des Métiers, ktorá sa konala minulý týždeň v Múzeu moderného umenia Design Exchange v Toronte, pootvorila dvere do unikátneho sveta prepychu a rokmi preverených tradícií, ktorý je verejnosti inak neprístupný. Poskytla tak fascinujúci náhľad na na živé demonštrácie práce remeselníkov priamo z Francúzska, ktorí svoj život zasvätili výrobe kabeliek, saténových šatiek, kravát, hodiniek a sediel. Mimochodom, vedeli ste, že:

1) výroba jednej kabelky Hermès sa môže natiahnuť na 48 hodín;

2) na výrobu jednej šatky treba 450tisíc metrov hodvábneho vlákna;

3) pri farbení šatky sa pracuje s viac ako 75tisícmi farebnými odtieňmi;

4) lem každej šatky sa roluje a zošíva ručne, a to trvá niekedy až 45 minút.


Photos: Barbora Sosková Dudinská and Hermès

By Barbora

Slovakia-born, Toronto-dwelling fashion lover. A fashion consultant, freelance writer, red carpet reporter and the creator behind ChiChi.

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