O láske

Láska je čarovné slovo, ktorým je možno ospravedlniť čokoľvek. Je slovo, ktoré sa často a veľa spomína, no už menej aplikuje. Láska je cit, ktorý v dnešnej dobe potrebujeme cítiť stále viac a viac. Existuje mnoho foriem lásky, každý ju vnímame trochu inak, máme od nej rôzne očakávania. Okrem lásky k druhým je tu ešte… Continue reading O láske

Grey Goose Cocktails and Conversation: In The Fade

Fatih Akin, Writer/Director/Producer, and Diane Kruger

It’s not everyday you get to have cocktails with some of Hollywood’s biggest stars, like Rachel McAdam, Jessica Chastain, Benedict Cumberbatch and Diane Kruger. So when I got invited to Grey Goose Cocktails and Conversation during last year’s TIFF, I didn’t hesitate for a moment. These intimate discussion series showcased the vision, inspiration and creativity of the best in… Continue reading Grey Goose Cocktails and Conversation: In The Fade

7 movies you should watch before next weekend’s Golden Globes

The Golden Globe Awards will air Sunday and this year’s race is shaping up to be one of the most exciting ever observed in the early stages. There are plenty of strong contenders, but no out-and-out frontrunner. Watching the Golden Globes or Oscars is always more fun when you’ve seen the movies up for awards… Continue reading 7 movies you should watch before next weekend’s Golden Globes

Na slovíčko s.. Lucia Hurajová

Mať doma tri ratoslesti je trojitá radosť, ale aj trojitá starosť. Svoje o tom vie aj herečka Lucia Hurajová, ktorá je mamičkou syna Maxima a dvojičiek Sofie a Izabely. Svoje súkromie si stráži, o to viac sa teším, že práve ona uzatvára skupinu inšpiratívnych mamičiek, ktoré som mala tú česť pre vás vyspovedať. Spomínaš si… Continue reading Na slovíčko s.. Lucia Hurajová

HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE: Beauty Stocking Stuffers

Christmas is just around the corner so I thought I’d put together a few gift guides to give you some inspiration. It can be so hard to pick the right thing for the people you love, so hopefully this sparks a few ideas if you’re stuck. Sometimes it’s the little things that create the biggest… Continue reading HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE: Beauty Stocking Stuffers