3, 2, 1… Crêpes!

Who would’t love them? Smooth, a little crisp around the edges, filled with delicious curd cheese filling or sweet marmalade. If you are a crêpe lover, then you need to try this fancied 1-2-3 recipe. This non-stick crêpe batter is just perfect to work with. And because there is no sugar added, you can serve the crêpes with your favourite savory fillings too.


300 ml milk
200 ml water
100 ml vegetable oil
200 g all-purpose flour
2 eggs
pinch of salt

Whisk the milk, water and oil together, gradually add in the flour, stirring to combine. Break in the eggs and add a pinch of salt. Give the batter a rest before cooking. Heat a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Brush the surface with a little bit of oil (no more oil needed later). Pour in a ladleful of batter, simultaneously tipping the pan so that the mixture spreads evenly. Cook the crêpes until the bottom is light brown. Loosen with a spatula, turn and cook the other side. Serve filled with the sweet curd /curd cheese filling + yolk+ coconut sugar+ lemon juice/ or with your favourite marmalade. Decorate with fresh fruit, scoop of curd and delicious date syrup on top.

They disappear from your table on the count of three!

Kto by ich nemiloval? Tenučké, jemné, s chrumkavým okrajom, naplnené lahodnou tvarohovou plnkou alebo sladkou marmeládou… Ak medzi palacinkových milovníkov patríte, skúste tento obľúbený 1-2-3 recept. Vďaka oleju v ceste sa nelepia na panvicu a kedže neobsahujú cukor, môžete ich servírovať aj na slaný spôsob!

Na cesto budete potrebovať:

300 ml mlieka
200 ml vody
100 ml oleja
200 g hladkej múky
2 celé vajcia
štipku soli

Zmiešajte mlieko, vodu a olej, pridajte dve celé vajcia, štipku soli a postupne pridávajte múku. Hotové cesto nechajte chvíľu odstáť. Medzitým si rozohrejte palacinkovú panvicu a pred prvou palacinkou ju potrite troškou oleja (potom už ďalší olej potrebovať nebudete). Každú palacinku osmažte z oboch strán do zlatohneda, naplňte sladkým tvarohom /tvaroh+žĺtok+kokosový cukor, citrónová šťava/ alebo obľúbeným džemom, ozdobte čerstvým ovocím, kopčekom tvarohu a úťasným datľovým sirupom.

Zmiznú zo stola raz-dva-tri!

By Lucia Holandská

Loves DIY (recycling) projects and non-conventional ideas, writing articles, taking pictures and making her own jewelry. A workshop instructor for little kids and a part-time blogger at vrecenapadov.blogspot.sk.