Getting red carpet ready

Oscars are here. The movies, the gowns, the stars, are ingredients for a perfect festival of glitter and glam. Celebs sure do know a thing or two about getting red carpet ready, and while probably none of us will be promoting a big blockbuster anytime soon, we still want to look our best for any… Continue reading Getting red carpet ready

Here I am, 40.

Holy shit. I’m turning 40 in 4 days. I’m now middleaged. Wait! No. I’m 18 with 22 years experience. Do you remember the scene from When Harry Met Sally? “I’m gonna be 40.” “In eight years.” “But it’s there! It’s just sitting there, like this big dead end,” Meg Ryan weeps to Billy Crystal. This… Continue reading Here I am, 40.

Mediterranean Inspired Interiors: Bringing Summer vibes to your home all year round

We’re always inspired by spaces that promote a simple and relaxed way of living. These are interiors that encourage us to slow down in our fast-paced world. There’s one interior style that offers this slow living, timeless, & effortless beauty and that is to us a Mediterranean -inspired interior design. Sleek sunny interiors with sweeping… Continue reading Mediterranean Inspired Interiors: Bringing Summer vibes to your home all year round

Up close: Enzo Angileri, the man behind Hollywood’s hair elite

If you haven’t heard his name then you’ll definitely have seen his work. Enzo Angileri is one of the most experienced hair stylist working in Hollywood today. His clientele are among the world’s most beautiful and talented men and women: Charlize Theron, Jennifer Lopez, Gwyneth Paltrow, Thandie Newton, Lucy Liu, Tom Cruise, and Nicole Kidman are just a… Continue reading Up close: Enzo Angileri, the man behind Hollywood’s hair elite

Oscars 2021: All the Standout Beauty Looks

Tohtoročné Oscary sa síce skončili, fashion a beauty trendy hollywoodskych hviezd však stále doznievajú. Tomu, čo mali hviezdy na sebe som venovala som pár riadkov tu. Moju obľúbenú Smartbeauty Martinku Rolnú Homolovú som zase poprosila, aby pre vás zhrnula jej top beauty looky večera. Kto ju zaujal najviac? Amanda kraľovala tohtoročnému udeľovaniu cien s nádherným,… Continue reading Oscars 2021: All the Standout Beauty Looks

My morning and evening lockdown beauty routine

The combination of wearing masks, moving from cold air into artificially heated environments, a lockdown ‘diet’ and stress can all affect our skin. Not to mention that exposure to the cold weather can cause a host of problems for the skin, leaving it feeling dry and irritated. Redness, dehydration, dry patches and just a general… Continue reading My morning and evening lockdown beauty routine

Denisa Navrátilová: Každá z nás může převzít odpovědnost nad přirozenou součástí svého ženství

Svet vôkol nás je plný inšpirujúcich žien, ktoré uverili v svoje schopnosti a naplno ich uplatnili. Ženy, ktoré menia svoje sny na realitu, ktoré vedia, čo chcú a neboja sa to povedať nahlas. Každá z nich má svoj príbeh, motiváciu, hodnoty a spôsob, akým naviguje svoje životné roly. A jednou z takých je Denisa Navrátilová Pociorková – študentka… Continue reading Denisa Navrátilová: Každá z nás může převzít odpovědnost nad přirozenou součástí svého ženství

Naďa Urbanová: Vreckovky ako staronový módny doplnok

Vreckovky vraj poznali už v starovekom Ríme a Grécku, ale až v 16. storočí sa prestali skrývať vo vrecku a stali sa z nich módne doplnky. Ženy ich držali v rukách a snažili sa ich zladiť s vejárom. My sme na bavlnené vreckovky na dlhé roky zabudli, no v dobe, keď fandíme udržateľnosti, nanovo objavujeme ich… Continue reading Naďa Urbanová: Vreckovky ako staronový módny doplnok


Consumer habits are changing and brands are taking notice. People are no longer demanding products. They demand transparency and they buy into a brand’s identity and set of values. As more designers continue to push the limits of what clothes can be made from, we are seeing a shift in the world of fashion. Joining… Continue reading PANGAIA: NEW FAVORITE ECO-FRIENDLY FASHION LABEL

Hotel Apollo

Prednedávnom som mala príležitosť stráviť dve noci v bratislavskom hoteli Apollo. Bol to babský víkend – ja, moja mama a moja malá Stella. Tri gerenerácie, tri malé veľké ženy s túžbou po oddychu. Vzťah medzi matkou a dcérou je jednou z najsilnejších väzieb na svete. Tie z vás, ktoré už majú vlastné dcéry, alebo dcérami… Continue reading Hotel Apollo